Reviewing progress and success
It’s important to regularly review your relationships with training providers and assess whether they are meeting your needs and producing the intended outcomes for your organisation.
Aspects of training you might like to review include:
- Skills and industry currency of the trainer
- Quality of feedback given to learners
- Quality and currency of resources
- Efficient use of learning technologies (e.g. for online communication, simulated learning activities, or access to learning resources)
- The appropriateness of the qualification/skill set to the job role
- The amount of training given
- The level and adequacy of communication from the training provider
- The extent to which the training is meeting your organisation’s business strategy and workforce development objectives.
Discuss with the training provider any changes in your business that may impact training.
Ask the training provider to keep you up to date with relevant changes to vocational education and training and funding opportunities.
It’s really important to have evidence-based decisions around your engagement [with a training provider] beyond an informal opinion of someone. Relationships drive decisions sometimes, which might not be in the best interest of where the organisation needs to head.
I think there needs to be something more robust in place that helps you to make the decision around whether or not you’ll engage with them. And I guess, just being really clear around what your strategy is as an organisation. And that should really be what’s driving your decisions, in terms of engagement.
(Aged care service provider)